Rapport For Beginner's

Building Rapport with Students is Half the Apple Photo courtesy Ivy Dawned http://www.flickr.com/photos/ivydawned/7404061774/in/pool-26241990@N00/
I always find it inspiring to chat with fellow teachers on effective teaching practices as well as the characteristics of memorable educator's that they have had in their past - who have had a positive impact on their own pedagogical approach.  Talk runs the gamut from behaviour management techniques, assessment and evaluation, to creative and engaging lessons and activities, but what I find the conversation always comes back to is building relationships with students to create a community of learners.  For teachers and students alike, the memorable teachers were fair, kind, funny, passionate and human.  They looked their students in the eye.  Admitted when they were having a bad day.  Were interested in their students on a human level - cared about their growth, interests and struggles inside and outside of the classroom.

If I were to bet money on it, I'd bet that most teachers (or people who are drawn to teaching) have a handle on what it means to build rapport with a student.  I'm not talking about something that new or innovative here, but I'm writing about it because I feel it is the MOST important part of being a good teacher.  Once you have relationships, your classroom family is built and onboard and that is half the battle (or "half the apple") ;)

I'll admit I was complimented by my own faculty advisors and associate teachers during my bachelor of education for my ability to build rapport with students.  This shocked me, and made me feel warm and tingly inside.  According to them I appear to have an extremely self-depricating side, and yet am able to come across as confidently vulnerable and am ready and willing to show my weaknesses in order to model that anyone can "get better" at something if they put the effort forth to do so.  I am also dry and sarcastic - which works for the junior set, but is a bit confusing for primary - or so I have discovered.  It is something I am naturally able to do, but I'm not sure how I do it and so I decided to research what it is I might be unconsciously doing when I do what I don't know I am doing....

Interested on the topic of building rapport, I came across this great article from Social Psychology.org.

According to the article characteristics which lend themselves to building rapport are, "showing a sense of humor; availability before, after, or outside of class; encouraging class discussion; showing interest in them, knowing students' names; sharing personal insights and experiences with the class; relating course material in everyday terms and examples; and understanding that students occasionally have problems arise that inadvertently hinder their progress in their courses."

Why focus on building relationships? "the most common positive effects of rapport on their academic behavior were, in order: to increase their enjoyment of the teacher and subject matter; to motivate them to come to class more often, and to pay more attention in class. Thus, rapport seems to facilitate both student motivation for learning and their enjoyment of the course, and enhances student receptivity to what is being taught." The days of scolding, and throwing chalk and the strap are long over.  Hopefully writing lines and detention and sending students down to waste time sitting in the principals office are too.  I realize that there are students with certain behaviour exceptionalities, and it might be difficult to have a break through with them at first, but don't abandon hope.  Work at it.  Building rapport with your students is a wonderful pre-emptive behaviour management strategy. 

The tips found in the aforementioned article are for post-secondary education, but I feel are greatly needed in any good teacher from JK-12!  Its not just teachers and EAs that can benefit from keeping these things in mind, but principals and other administrators as well.  

Volunteering recently, I witnessed a principal who is top-notch at building rapport with the entire school community (staff, parents and most importantly - the students!)  It is inspiring to watch him burst his head through the crack in the door of a kindergarten class and yell joyously, "You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! " over and over until all the kids feel inspired and like they could conquer the world.  How cool is that?

The Vicinity of Success

Photo Courtesy of Stefan Andrej Shambora via Flickr
After an enlightening speech at Brock's Bachelor of Education Convocation ceremony last Wednesday by Kevin Kee, I decided to use his thought-provoking quote as the title of this post; a reflection on my post-grad, pre-job frame of mind.  What he said inspired me:

You’re in the vicinity of success, the conditions are right for you to succeed. But you can’t just sit there and wait....

These days, graduates, you have to go after your own success.As you know far better than me, it’s a difficult time to become a teacher in Ontario. There are peaks and troughs in the hiring of teachers, and right now we’re in a trough — too many late-career teachers, too few students entering schools. If you’re interested in the details, you can read the report from the Ontario College of Teachers called “Transition to Teaching”....

The report points out that recently graduated teachers like you are highly committed to your profession: nine of ten of those polled were devoted to long-term teaching careers because they want to make a difference in students’ lives. But relatively few have secured long-term jobs. Last year, among first-year teachers, one in three was unemployed; only one in eight had secured a regular teaching job.... 

You can read the rest of his speech on his blog if you're interested - his message contained a great metaphor that gave the crowd shivers - it rang SO true.

So here I sit, recently graduated from my bachelor of ed program with primary/junior qualifications and even an extra certificate denoting that I've completed Brock's inaugural year of the Educational Technology Leadership course. I am brimming with hope, but not a lot of positivity (I'm working on it!).  

I have done quite well, and, despite not being employed in the public education system (yet!), I am very proud of my accomplishments. "Kudos to me!" says me.  I got great marks, highly successful teaching evaluations, I learned a lot, had excellent associate teachers during my practicums and, more impactful than any of this, met some awesome kids and some wonderful colleagues in the process.  This was the year that I built myself, what will be, in many ways, my inspiration, my sounding board, my think tank, even my lifeline in my future career, my PLN.  How lucky am I? Very.

But something is troubling me! I've been looking all over for the post-bachelor of education survival guide.  No such luck.  So here is my only advice: if you need support you've got to speak up and ask for it.  I've been fortunate enough to receive quite a lot of helpful (and some not-so-helpful, but "well-meaning") advice in my quest for a job in education.  

A Taste:

Get a principal to recommend you to the supply list. 
Get an interview with a school board.
Do the interview of your life.
Take any job they offer.
Apply to all the boards.
Move up north.
Teach in a first nations community.
Go abroad.
Take AQ courses.
Do your Masters of Education.
Keep volunteering and get "known".
Build your experience profile.
Don't resort to bar tending (unless absolutely necessary). 
You'll probably get a job within the next five years if you keep volunteering.


Being a life long learner (on my own AND through accredited universities) yes, I'll spend thousands of dollars past the initial 10-20K for my degree to take extra AQ courses (and no, not solely for getting placed in a higher earning bracket while I still can, but to actually broaden my horizons and expand my mind).  But as I browse my options on a local university's Continuing Teacher Education website I find myself at a bit of a fork in the road.  Do I take the course(s) that I hear principals are "buzzing about," that boards must see in order to even consider your resume?  Or do I specialize in something that I'm really extremely interested in?   At a recent career fair, a representative from the TDSB said, "Focus on one area and specialize.  Make sure that area is one that rocks your world."    

Along The Rocky Path... Some Things To Consider

I went to the Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario open house/ job fair at the Ontario Science Center a few months back.  After waiting 45 minutes to turn left into the jammed parking lot, I waited about 30-40 minutes in each of three lines to speak to 3 schools.  Not necessarily schools that I wanted to teach at, but the schools with the shortest lines.  None of them were hiring.  Keep hoping.

A professor of mine told me to "look for dirt".  She meant, if you see an area that is expanding and building new homes, hang in there, volunteer in the new schools where new surveys are opening up.  They might have understaffed and brilliant things can happen if they know you.  Keep searching.

I was told by a well-meaning elementary school VP that in order to get hired by my local board, principals can only recommend teacher candidates who have FSL, Music or double qualifications (P/J/I or J/I/S) - to be maximized in a K-8 rotary system, I suppose.  Keep learning.

Friends say, we don't know what the fall holds.  If teachers are getting their banked sick days taken away, many close to retirement will retire.  I don't feel hopeful when I hear this! I feel bad for the teachers who have earned those days.  Those teachers who don't get pension until they're 67 and have a hard decision to make.  Keep perspective.

They remind me that teacher attrition within the first 5 years has a staggering statistic.  "Don't forget!" they say...many of your colleagues at teacher's college weren't intending to teach in traditional classrooms, or even in Canada.  Keep realistic.

In the washroom after the convocation ceremony was through, I overheard a conversation happening between 2 stalls (not sure if men do this, but its a common occurrence in women's washrooms).  "My interview is next week!" said one grad excitedly.  "Oh really?!" said another.  "Mine was 2 weeks ago.  I start an LTO in September."  As I listened, I wondered to myself, "How is this turnaround time even possible!? We just graduated!"  As I pondered this, I continued to apply my lipstick and had to remind myself to stop circling over and over again (I was starting to look like the Joker from the Dark Knight).  I am happy for these successful teachers.  They've made it through the "vicinity" of success and have hit the bullseye.  

I don't pretend to speak for all new teacher candidates.  This is just my experience.  But for any new teachers out there, looking for jobs, a modicum of advice: as we new teachers forge our own paths toward success, I urge you not to be sucked into the negativity that can consume us in this sometimes negative, jobless realm.  Stay positive.  Keep your eye on the goal.  Keep your hand in it.  Try something new and above all: don't give up.  Teaching is about supporting one another, collaborating and working together.  Just because our beginning into the profession is a competitive one - it shouldn't remain that way once we're in.