Occasionally Teaching Always Learning

Well, I made it.  I was recently hired as an occasional teacher for a growing board in Ontario (backflips, applause, happy dances, etc.).  I have worked a few days already (cartwheels) and been volunteering steadily for some pretty inspiring teachers in a variety of grades JK-8.

I have decided that my first post as an employed teacher (back hand springs) would focus on two particularly wicked lessons which have hooked the kids (and then some!) and sparked their curiosities so much so that everyone was working hard (re: on task, smiling, concentrating and not asking to go to the bathroom or to get a drink), the classroom was abuzz with learning and the classrooms were transformed into laboratories and learning hubs for the entire community.

Fabulous Lesson 1: You Can't Catch Me, I'm The Gingerbread Man (Primary, in this case JK/SK split)

Photo via Flickr 6S Marketing
This is a unit of study all about THE GINGERBREAD MAN.  A lot of preparation and forethought went into this unit.  It all starts with the kindies making a giant "class" gingerbread man (smelling, touching, working together, learning about baking safety).  When they went to get him from the oven, all that was left was crumbs on the parchment paper.   The students were immediately hooked.  Where did he go? That guy! Always running away! At one point the school principal was holding kindie's hands and walking around the school looking for "Gingy".  As the weeks wore on, students participated in plethora of activities from this springboard activity.  A dozen or so renditions of the famous story were read and compared for similarities and differences. The class made wanted posters to describe and hopefullly find their missing cookie.  A fieldtrip to a farm where they made and decorated their own gingerbread men (who didn't run away!) was taken.  Students posed in a life-size cut out of a gingerbread man, their tiny faces replacing his cookie mug.  A science experiment was conducted, if a cookie man tries to cross a river of milk, what will happen? Will he make it safely to the other side?  These are just some of the activities that inspired students to learn right on up to winter break! What a festive, yummy and inclusive unit of study!  Community connections: parents and other community members helped out by actually mailing postcards from their travels (and enlisting others to do so) to the classroom from "the gingerbread man".

Amazing Lesson 2: Toy Design and Prototype (Junior/Intermediate)

This was a week long project-based assignment for a grade 3 class where students created a blueprint and toy design and then researched the construction, gathered the materials and worked together to construct a prototype.  Students were then to brand and market their toy item with an advertisement or full fledged campaign (print, audio, video - you name it!)  This was a particularly engaging assignment as students were able to activate their prior (vast) knowledge on the subject and marry it with their growing knowledge base around strong and stable structures, forces of movement, simple machines, etc. to create an interactive (and basically "tech free") toy.

Getting Techie With It

As a new graduate from Brock's Educational Technology Leadership program run through the Faculty of Education, I was excited to be on the other side of the invite for this year's showcase, as an employed teacher coming to see the latest and greatest in ed tech!  I participated in last year's event as a presenter talking about how to use Google Docs in the classroom and other Web 2.0 technologies to help productivity and collaboration.  Specifically, I co-lead a talk on using Popplet for concept mapping and the conversations the topic sparked were fascinating.  This year promises to be just as innovative and engaging.  Registration is open and free.  I highly recommend it.  There are raffles, door prizes and freebies as well as cool speakers.  For the ed tech novice and veteran - something for everyone!  Brock University, Hamilton Campus, January 25th, 2013.


Learning with iPads/ Teaching with iPads

I recently attended a seminar on how to use iPads in the classroom (users being both teachers and students - all learners I should say). I have been eager to learn about this subject matter since iPads began to pop-up in classrooms in and around my school board and jumped at the chance to attend this informal “how-to” day.

Clearly, being able to effectively incorporate technology into your lesson plans to engage students and help them to express themselves, be creative, collaborate and look at things from new perspectives is one of the best tools a teacher can have. iPads have amazing functionality that is so intuitive for even the very youngest of children. Even my two year old son knows how to turn it on, and navigate between apps. I have seen him sit, absolutely glued to his games for counting, shapes, colours, animals and the alphabet. My mind began to whir as I thought of the possibilities for literacy and numeracy in the K-8 classroom.

How relieved I was to learn that the focus of the day was not going to be on “which apps to invest in” (there are a million great blog posts, infographics and Livebinders out there curated by experts on this very thing). What we narrowed in on were very basic iPad 101 things and then a detailed explanation of some instructional strategies to become expert at.

Topics we discussed for iPads and young students:

All of these things are linked above for further information.

However, there was one topic which really captivated me and had my mind running all over the place for the multifarious ways it could be used in the classroom and this was Airplay  or Screen Mirroring

What Airplay allows you to do is to send a signal from your iPad to the computer that is hooked up to your digital projector - thus allowing you to control your projection screen from anywhere in the classroom. Using Apple TV and an HDMI cable or programs which you can install on your computer like Reflectionapp.com or Airserverapp.com you can display multiple devices (say 5 different iPads) side by side up on your SMARTBoard or other interactive whiteboard (or even plain old projection screen though you won't be able to control your iPad by touching the projection screen in this case).

Many teachers are nervous about “letting go” of control and allowing students the autonomy to choose what they will be working on or how they will self-regulate using such technology. I am one of those teachers. However, this functionality showed me that if you can engage students in a task using tech tools to make the job easier, the finished product look better and have the experience of using it be pleasurable and, heck, even fun! Then why not?

These apps also allow you to record what is happening on all screens as a presentation which you can then save and export (upload to YouTube or embed on a class website).

The teaching idea that immediately struck me was for literacy - the retell (beginning, middle, end) for primary students. If you were to give students 1 iPad for every 5 students you could, in groups have the students be responsible for one part of the story, and using PuppetPals or Toontastic along with Airplay and iBrainstorm you could allow the students to bring their part of the story to life and support their metacognitive awareness by having them document with words and pictures the process they followed to create their retell. When all of their productions are finished, you can play them up on the screen - movie time for the kids! Who doesn't love to share their creative work with their peers - especially when it was fun to create and fun to watch.

Of course, I would have to play around with this to finesse the process and even pick and choose better suited apps, perhaps, but what matters the most is that I now have an awareness that this exists for students and teachers, that it triggered a million and one neat ideas that I can’t wait to try, and that I have that passion and desire to find out more. On the anniversary of Steve Job’s death one year ago today - I have to hand it to him - he is one genius. The iPad is already starting to revolutionize learning in classrooms in Ontario. Will your classroom be next?

Home From (ed)Camp! - Reflections from EdCampTO 2012

if there were ever a time for cloning,
picking a session would  be it!
I left EdCamp TO 2012 with more questions than answers, but that is usually the sign of a great conference.  Wouldn’t you say?  After a few days of reflection, I find that I’m ready to voice my own questions roused from the days organic conversations (parking lots, “plenary/ party room”, breakout rooms, hallways, bathroom, etc.) THEY HAPPENED ALL DAY LONG.  A colleague of mine called the day “energizing” and I couldn’t agree more (and while I did consume about 6 cups of coffee, the stirrings inside were due more to the captivating ideas than the constant caffeine drip).  Everywhere I turned there was another smiling face, ready to look you in the eye and hear what you had to say.  Its rare to find people so open and ready to delve into deep education topics as varied as inquiry-based learning to public accountability and standard/ standardized tests. 

So what’s next?
  • How do we really define 21st century learning?
  • What is our purpose as educators?
  • What makes an educator innovative?
  • How do we enact TPACK and best make use of available technology inside (and out) of the classroom?
  • What makes a great learning space?
  • What are the essential skills that a human needs? Are they found in the curriculum?
  • How do you truly evaluate a child?
  • How can our reporting tools better reflect authentic assessment?
  • How can you truly embody inquiry-based or problem-based learning and make it work given a school’s rotary schedule?
  • How do we bridge the transition between the full-day kindergarten program and Grade 1?
  • Are we guilty of schoolifying children?
  • Teacher autonomy - where did it go?

Some tidbits to look into further:

  • Deborah Meier and The Coalition of Essential Schools
  • Canadian Coalition of Self-Directed Learning
  • Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change The World Tony Wagner
  • Aaron Sams Flipped Classroom
  • Dr. Michael Gurstein and community infomatics
  • Design thinking

Getting Ready For My EdCamping Trip - TO Edition

Its only a few days away and I can already feel the excitement building with colleagues I work with for the second annual EdCamp TO at York University.  If you're unfamiliar with the EdCamp model, its an unconference, meaning that the day's topics and schedule are decided by the participants the day of.  This is fabulous because it encourages organic discussion about topics that really matter in education.  And the discussions themselves are moderated rather than led and so you're not sitting, twiddling your thumbs listening to a rehearsed speech delivered alongside a powerpoint presentation. Stakeholders from all angles in education - administrators, parents, students (from highschool to MEd, PhD) teachers, teacher teachers, professors (public, private, catholic), etc. are all in attendance.  What a great opportunity to expand your mind with viewpoints on a variety of ed topics!

If you are interested in coming - its FREE and registration is still open.  Register Here

This year I am eager to discuss: learning frameworks for literacy, creating classroom communities, inquiry-based education, new classroom models, technology integration and PD for teachers.

What are YOU interested in discussing?

Why We Should All Unplug

People with passion change the world - @jjash, written on a piece of tree struck by lightning at the edge, and given to me...

Having arrived back at home after a soul-stirring weekend with 39 fellow educators up at Northern Edge Algonquin for Unplug’d 12; I sit and marinate on the weekend’s experiences.  Inside, I feel calm and centered, odd adjectives to describe me, a person who is usually antsy and anxious.  No, I haven’t taken up meditation or even yoga, and no I haven’t cut out the 4 cups of coffee I enjoy a day, but I have built some pretty solid relationships and set the ground work for many others with a most inspiring set of passionate individuals.  People who care a lot about education, and who opened up to me, in extremely brave and powerful ways this past weekend.  I won’t go into great detail about each experience planned for us over the 3-day retreat, but I will try to capture some sketches of the zeitgeist of the thing for those who haven’t been (yet!)

Why you should make a point to Unplug:

  • connect to nature (the locale is extraordinary - quiet, serene and peaceful), and yourself (numerous solitary retreats and activities exist to steal away and just ruminate), then connect to others in a deeper way to strengthen your practices, broaden your perspectives and go deeper into your role as a lifelong learner.

  • create a written piece to help explore, question, thank, apologize or celebrate a significant person in your life as a learner

  • collaborate on an e-book with individuals from a broad range of backgrounds, experiences, outlooks and places through a unique peer-review process which is both frightening and mind expanding 

  • hear a loon, smell some moss, see the lake ripple, see some stars twinkle and shoot across the night sky, hike a trail to a hidden lake, plant an apple tree, stretch your muscles and your mind, open your heart, eat together (food that will BLOW YOUR MIND) and sleep - dreaming of the change you’ll be sure to make now that you’ve been to The Edge.

Thank you to: Zoe, Rodd, Kelly-Ann, Ben, Jowi, Erin, James, Lisa, Brenda, Bryan, David, Lorna, Jenny, Jess, Jessica, Heidi, Kathy, Andrew, Karen, GNA, Alan, Rob, Rod, Jenny, Marci, Gail, Todd, Martha, Iain, Jackie, Giulia, Gill, Guilliaume, Wes, Betsy, Aerin, Danika, Kim, Donna and Matt, all for your earnest reflections, smiles, jokes and encouragement.

Not 'Pulling the Plug'! UNPLUG'D

Who am I other than a "new teacher"?

When I was asked by my colleague and friend to come camping with her in the summer to this thing she called Unplug’d up in Algonquin, I thought: awesome! I’m not very outdoorsy, but it sounds really cool! A whole bunch of people interested in being better educators than they already are? Sign me up.  My husband thought I was nuts for a few reasons.  First he said: You? Camping!? You’ve got to be kidding me.  Then he said, “but you JUST finished teacher’s college and you haven’t even been hired yet! Why are YOU going? Isn’t this kind of thing a retreat for teachers to recuperate over the summer?”  Yes, I suppose I am not mother-nature’s best girlfriend and the idea of pitching a tent or hiking are somewhat foreign to me, but his “new teacher” comment really got under my skin.  “You don’t think I need to recuperate after the year of school I’ve just finished!?” and also, “I don’t think that’s the main idea of this trip, honey.  Its bigger than that.  The drive for these people coming together is not solely to get together to relax.”  

After visiting the website for the Unplug’d community and speaking more about what the trip entailed, I couldn’t register fast enough.  And now its upon us.  Next Thursday I will be going to Toronto to begin this “life changing experience”. I am eagerly awaiting it.  The countdown has begun!

So what IS my motive for going other than the sunrise yoga which I hear is pretty stellar?  Well, its threefold, actually.  1.  In the face of a highly competitive job market I need to be inspired and shaken into a more positive “I can do it!” mindset.  2.  I  already know from my limited experiences with team teaching, tweetups, blog collectives and group unit planning, that I grow and flourish when I’m connected to other passionate educators - AND I can officially call myself an educator now, so why not? 3.  I truly believe that you can be a better educator if you nourish your PLN, and build relationships of support and cheerleading.  What better way than to connect IN PERSON to other teachers, administrators, parents, trustees and, well, people for education in general, to discuss what matters most?  Learning.  This year we are going to share stories about education from a variety of perspectives and addressing a broad range of pressing issues.  Maybe its risky to sign on for this trip and to come at it from a new teacher perspective.  I don’t know.  With great risk comes great reward, right? Oh, I hope so.

Rapport For Beginner's

Building Rapport with Students is Half the Apple Photo courtesy Ivy Dawned http://www.flickr.com/photos/ivydawned/7404061774/in/pool-26241990@N00/
I always find it inspiring to chat with fellow teachers on effective teaching practices as well as the characteristics of memorable educator's that they have had in their past - who have had a positive impact on their own pedagogical approach.  Talk runs the gamut from behaviour management techniques, assessment and evaluation, to creative and engaging lessons and activities, but what I find the conversation always comes back to is building relationships with students to create a community of learners.  For teachers and students alike, the memorable teachers were fair, kind, funny, passionate and human.  They looked their students in the eye.  Admitted when they were having a bad day.  Were interested in their students on a human level - cared about their growth, interests and struggles inside and outside of the classroom.

If I were to bet money on it, I'd bet that most teachers (or people who are drawn to teaching) have a handle on what it means to build rapport with a student.  I'm not talking about something that new or innovative here, but I'm writing about it because I feel it is the MOST important part of being a good teacher.  Once you have relationships, your classroom family is built and onboard and that is half the battle (or "half the apple") ;)

I'll admit I was complimented by my own faculty advisors and associate teachers during my bachelor of education for my ability to build rapport with students.  This shocked me, and made me feel warm and tingly inside.  According to them I appear to have an extremely self-depricating side, and yet am able to come across as confidently vulnerable and am ready and willing to show my weaknesses in order to model that anyone can "get better" at something if they put the effort forth to do so.  I am also dry and sarcastic - which works for the junior set, but is a bit confusing for primary - or so I have discovered.  It is something I am naturally able to do, but I'm not sure how I do it and so I decided to research what it is I might be unconsciously doing when I do what I don't know I am doing....

Interested on the topic of building rapport, I came across this great article from Social Psychology.org.

According to the article characteristics which lend themselves to building rapport are, "showing a sense of humor; availability before, after, or outside of class; encouraging class discussion; showing interest in them, knowing students' names; sharing personal insights and experiences with the class; relating course material in everyday terms and examples; and understanding that students occasionally have problems arise that inadvertently hinder their progress in their courses."

Why focus on building relationships? "the most common positive effects of rapport on their academic behavior were, in order: to increase their enjoyment of the teacher and subject matter; to motivate them to come to class more often, and to pay more attention in class. Thus, rapport seems to facilitate both student motivation for learning and their enjoyment of the course, and enhances student receptivity to what is being taught." The days of scolding, and throwing chalk and the strap are long over.  Hopefully writing lines and detention and sending students down to waste time sitting in the principals office are too.  I realize that there are students with certain behaviour exceptionalities, and it might be difficult to have a break through with them at first, but don't abandon hope.  Work at it.  Building rapport with your students is a wonderful pre-emptive behaviour management strategy. 

The tips found in the aforementioned article are for post-secondary education, but I feel are greatly needed in any good teacher from JK-12!  Its not just teachers and EAs that can benefit from keeping these things in mind, but principals and other administrators as well.  

Volunteering recently, I witnessed a principal who is top-notch at building rapport with the entire school community (staff, parents and most importantly - the students!)  It is inspiring to watch him burst his head through the crack in the door of a kindergarten class and yell joyously, "You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! You're the best! " over and over until all the kids feel inspired and like they could conquer the world.  How cool is that?

The Vicinity of Success

Photo Courtesy of Stefan Andrej Shambora via Flickr
After an enlightening speech at Brock's Bachelor of Education Convocation ceremony last Wednesday by Kevin Kee, I decided to use his thought-provoking quote as the title of this post; a reflection on my post-grad, pre-job frame of mind.  What he said inspired me:

You’re in the vicinity of success, the conditions are right for you to succeed. But you can’t just sit there and wait....

These days, graduates, you have to go after your own success.As you know far better than me, it’s a difficult time to become a teacher in Ontario. There are peaks and troughs in the hiring of teachers, and right now we’re in a trough — too many late-career teachers, too few students entering schools. If you’re interested in the details, you can read the report from the Ontario College of Teachers called “Transition to Teaching”....

The report points out that recently graduated teachers like you are highly committed to your profession: nine of ten of those polled were devoted to long-term teaching careers because they want to make a difference in students’ lives. But relatively few have secured long-term jobs. Last year, among first-year teachers, one in three was unemployed; only one in eight had secured a regular teaching job.... 

You can read the rest of his speech on his blog if you're interested - his message contained a great metaphor that gave the crowd shivers - it rang SO true.

So here I sit, recently graduated from my bachelor of ed program with primary/junior qualifications and even an extra certificate denoting that I've completed Brock's inaugural year of the Educational Technology Leadership course. I am brimming with hope, but not a lot of positivity (I'm working on it!).  

I have done quite well, and, despite not being employed in the public education system (yet!), I am very proud of my accomplishments. "Kudos to me!" says me.  I got great marks, highly successful teaching evaluations, I learned a lot, had excellent associate teachers during my practicums and, more impactful than any of this, met some awesome kids and some wonderful colleagues in the process.  This was the year that I built myself, what will be, in many ways, my inspiration, my sounding board, my think tank, even my lifeline in my future career, my PLN.  How lucky am I? Very.

But something is troubling me! I've been looking all over for the post-bachelor of education survival guide.  No such luck.  So here is my only advice: if you need support you've got to speak up and ask for it.  I've been fortunate enough to receive quite a lot of helpful (and some not-so-helpful, but "well-meaning") advice in my quest for a job in education.  

A Taste:

Get a principal to recommend you to the supply list. 
Get an interview with a school board.
Do the interview of your life.
Take any job they offer.
Apply to all the boards.
Move up north.
Teach in a first nations community.
Go abroad.
Take AQ courses.
Do your Masters of Education.
Keep volunteering and get "known".
Build your experience profile.
Don't resort to bar tending (unless absolutely necessary). 
You'll probably get a job within the next five years if you keep volunteering.


Being a life long learner (on my own AND through accredited universities) yes, I'll spend thousands of dollars past the initial 10-20K for my degree to take extra AQ courses (and no, not solely for getting placed in a higher earning bracket while I still can, but to actually broaden my horizons and expand my mind).  But as I browse my options on a local university's Continuing Teacher Education website I find myself at a bit of a fork in the road.  Do I take the course(s) that I hear principals are "buzzing about," that boards must see in order to even consider your resume?  Or do I specialize in something that I'm really extremely interested in?   At a recent career fair, a representative from the TDSB said, "Focus on one area and specialize.  Make sure that area is one that rocks your world."    

Along The Rocky Path... Some Things To Consider

I went to the Conference of Independent Schools of Ontario open house/ job fair at the Ontario Science Center a few months back.  After waiting 45 minutes to turn left into the jammed parking lot, I waited about 30-40 minutes in each of three lines to speak to 3 schools.  Not necessarily schools that I wanted to teach at, but the schools with the shortest lines.  None of them were hiring.  Keep hoping.

A professor of mine told me to "look for dirt".  She meant, if you see an area that is expanding and building new homes, hang in there, volunteer in the new schools where new surveys are opening up.  They might have understaffed and brilliant things can happen if they know you.  Keep searching.

I was told by a well-meaning elementary school VP that in order to get hired by my local board, principals can only recommend teacher candidates who have FSL, Music or double qualifications (P/J/I or J/I/S) - to be maximized in a K-8 rotary system, I suppose.  Keep learning.

Friends say, we don't know what the fall holds.  If teachers are getting their banked sick days taken away, many close to retirement will retire.  I don't feel hopeful when I hear this! I feel bad for the teachers who have earned those days.  Those teachers who don't get pension until they're 67 and have a hard decision to make.  Keep perspective.

They remind me that teacher attrition within the first 5 years has a staggering statistic.  "Don't forget!" they say...many of your colleagues at teacher's college weren't intending to teach in traditional classrooms, or even in Canada.  Keep realistic.

In the washroom after the convocation ceremony was through, I overheard a conversation happening between 2 stalls (not sure if men do this, but its a common occurrence in women's washrooms).  "My interview is next week!" said one grad excitedly.  "Oh really?!" said another.  "Mine was 2 weeks ago.  I start an LTO in September."  As I listened, I wondered to myself, "How is this turnaround time even possible!? We just graduated!"  As I pondered this, I continued to apply my lipstick and had to remind myself to stop circling over and over again (I was starting to look like the Joker from the Dark Knight).  I am happy for these successful teachers.  They've made it through the "vicinity" of success and have hit the bullseye.  

I don't pretend to speak for all new teacher candidates.  This is just my experience.  But for any new teachers out there, looking for jobs, a modicum of advice: as we new teachers forge our own paths toward success, I urge you not to be sucked into the negativity that can consume us in this sometimes negative, jobless realm.  Stay positive.  Keep your eye on the goal.  Keep your hand in it.  Try something new and above all: don't give up.  Teaching is about supporting one another, collaborating and working together.  Just because our beginning into the profession is a competitive one - it shouldn't remain that way once we're in.

Learning to Teach - An Ed Tech Reflection

In my year as a teacher candidate, I’ve tried nearly every gadget out there and can say with all confidence that if you are going to jazz up your class and make an investment in technology, its best to start with the below tech tools and your options are limited only to your imagination.

Great Tech to Use inside the Classroom

Internet Access
Computers, Laptops or Tablets (to Share, yes, I said it, to Share)
Stereo, speakers or mP3 player and sound dock
Digital Projector
Document Camera

With internet access you can access, connect, create and share:

Class blogs
Interactive Math Manipulatives
Games/ Puzzles
WebQuests Web 2.0 Tools - Bitstrips, Timetoast, Popplet, Pearltrees, Delicious, Livebinders, Voki, Storybird, Glogster, Prezi, Soundcloud, Dipity
It goes without saying that students should have access to computers in class.  They shouldn’t have to go to another class or pod or lab to get on one, when most have a veritable computer inside their backpacks (in the form of a smartphone).  Those vocal students who aren't afraid to share how “boring” and “lame” school can be will always emphasize how much easier/ better/ more interesting a lesson might be using tech - they can guide you - harness their tech knowledge and outspoken nature!  While I winced every time I felt I could have had a better lesson had I booked the computer lab or borrowed the digital projector instead of using 19 transparencies, I do agree with the kids, they shouldn’t have to feel like coming to school is stepping back into the stone age.
Computers are needed for a variety of things -word processing is a big one - giving students time in class to work on good copies and print them is just ONE of them.   Looking up facts or queries on Google for research, students can also collaborate using computers and can connect to other students around the globe.  Finally, students are BOTTOM line, much more productive and enjoy writing more if they can TYPE what they feel.  Editing writing compositions after editing is also a biggie.  Nothing is worse that having to re-write something, cutting and pasting - and not using glue and scissors to do so - is what the kids want to do.  Also, yes, using a dictionary and a thesaurus is a skill, but the “student” versions in schools are missing many words we use on a daily basis.  Why not let them have access to online versions built in to many word processors?

Having speakers and the ability to play music is key in class, and not just during Music class either.  Low in the background can be nice (not for everyone, granted) but occasionally, can really set a mood for writing or artwork.  Some students really enjoy listening to music on their iPods and I think this is okay too.  The reason speakers are so essential is that you can get all the students’ attention - using an FM system or Sound system/ microphone is great.  Playing YouTube videos where kids can hear the dialogue and sound effects is critical.
Gone are the days of having to wheel the giant rear-projection TV on a rolling cart into your room.  Gone are the days of needing to find something on VHS.  Most everything is avails online and with a digital projector and VGA cable - you can stream anything from your computer up onto a white wall or projection screen.
Teaching a unit on Space and being able to watch National Geographic and NASA videos has been invaluable.  
Finally a document camera - You don’t waste transparencies, you can project a book for a read aloud or shared reading (you don’t need a “Big Book” copy any longer)  You can actually put anything underneath like math manipulatives and model things like fractions, ratios, anything really using any of the math manipluatives.  It really brings students to the front row of the action and they don’t have to huddle around a desk and you don’t have to do 1 million mini-lessons because everyone can see.
There are many more tech tools that have great functionality inside the classroom, but these 5 (if you want to call bandwidth "technology") are my necessities to reach today's learner.  And "reach" has many meanings....

Not Done

It happened. I assigned something. Gave class time to work on it. Conferenced on individual progress. Gave descriptive feedback. But when the good copy was due, very few handed it in. I asked them, “Did you think I was joking? We wrote it in your agenda every day this week!” I was devastated. In that moment when most kids were looking at their shoes rather than at me, I suddenly found myself questioning everything about my competency as a teacher. Did I not offer enough choice? Did I not explain the assignment properly? Was the assignment too hard or did I not offer enough time? Not interesting enough? Could I have provided a better critical path and more tools like graphic organizers and checklists? Did I not chunk it? Perhaps it was my scaffolding of concepts? Should I have done mini lessons? What happened? I went into reflective practitioner overdrive all in the span of 30 seconds when I, standing before the class, basically empty handed (re: 2 completed assignments), felt like a failure. I was speechless.

My brain whirred. What should I do? How should I handle this? If I get mad and shout and make them feel bad will they ever do anything for me again? Will they shut down? On the other hand, if I don’t react, they’ll have gotten away with being completely disengaged and disrespectful. Where is the accountability if I don’t react? I asked my associate teacher, in front of the students, “What would you do in this situation? I’m stumped!” “Detention.” she said coldly. “Tomorrow, first nutrition break.” At that point, many students stood up and started complaining. The excuses started to flow. “I forgot.” “I left it at home.” “Can I hand in my draft copy?” “My printer is out of ink.” Others rushed to hand in what they had and claimed it was a good copy. “Is this your best work?” I asked as I collected crumpled paper. One had a dusty footprint on it.

I don’t want to make a grand sweeping statement about student engagement here. But I am tempted to blame something on a societal level other than myself and other than my students. They are typically okay. A bit chatty and easily distracted, but they generally try (most things) and do complete assignments (when its toward their report card mark).

Maybe I didn’t consider my students enough when creating the assignment. It was to write a song about a social injustice. We did a whole class on injustices in society and we listened to protest songs and then analyzed them. They were to work in pairs. They had 200 minutes to write a short song. Nada.

On their way out to gym I asked a few of them - put them on the spot really, and for that I feel a bit guilty - why they hadn’t completed their good copy. “I don’t know,” they said. “It was hard and I didn’t like it.”

I am not looking forward to detention.

Photo via Flickr http://bit.ly/gtP6JI

There is no gesture more devastating than the back turning away

Chosen for the title of this post is a quote from Rachel Simmons awesome book, Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls. I am brushing up on my bullying reading as I've heard whispers that there is some heavy duty bullying going on in my Block II school, especially in the J/I grades. I am shocked by this, as I've not seen any evidence at all of this occurring. "Seen" is the problem, I suppose, when so much bullying is not visible to the naked eye.

My associate teacher recently had a rather profound discussion with our Grade 6 class on bullying.
The discussion went something like this:

Teacher: What would you do if you saw someone getting beat up on the way home from school?
Student 1: Even if I knew them, I’d keep walking.
Student 2: Yeah, I’d feel bad, but you need to put yourself first.
Teacher: Hmmm... okay, what about if you were with someone else? Or if you weren’t outnumbered by the bully?
Student 1: Still, they’re a bully, they’ll come after me for getting involved.
Student 2: Yeah, for sticking my nose in somebody’s business.
Student 3: Even if we had more than one person, bullies don’t always act on their own.
Teacher: So are we talking about a gang then?
Student 2: Not a gang, like with guns and, like, symbols and a code, just more of a group that all are tough and mean. They stick together. They are powerful.
Teacher: What about reporting what you saw to an adult?
Student 3: Not if the bully saw us seeing what was happening. We’d be screwed. They’d know it was us that ratted.
Teacher: What if you were the person being bullied and no one stopped to help you?
Student 2: It happens. You need to avoid bullies and try to get along with everyone.
Teacher: So the person being bullied doesn’t get along with the bully, is it the person being bullied’s fault?
Student 1: Yeah. Sometimes it is.

I was left very shaken by this conversation. It disturbed me. With all this anti-bullying education going on in light of the recent suicides and violence that have been in the media related to the effects of bullying on its victims - are our efforts making a difference? What character building did they miss? What about Tribes? Were they absent for every single lesson of Grade One Social Studies, Rights, Roles and Responsibilities? I am glad that they begin to teach this in grade one. Perhaps it should be repeated every year! I'm being quite serious - this unit has tons of potential to lay the foundation for student's ability to make change and take action:

...students are introduced to various topics that will help them develop an understanding of connections between the past and the present ... and of the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Students will begin their studies with familiar things, such as rules and responsibilities at home and at school ... in studying these topics, they will examine some significant developments that occurred throughout the ages...and will investigate their influence on the development of Canada and on life in the present day. (Ontario Social Studies Curriculum, page 20)

Specifically, now, the Grade 1 unit, Relationships, Rules and Responsibilities:

Students identify the relationships, rules, and responsibilities in their home, school, and community in order to understand the basis of citizenship. They draw conclusions about why rules and responsibilities are important in the relationships of their daily lives. Students also explain how and why relationships, rules, and responsibilities may change over time, and in different places. (page 21, Ontario Social Studies Curriculum).
There are a few specific expectations that work here, but one in particular is best: identify an area of concern (e.g., littering, sharing, conflicts - I would add “bullying” here), and suggest changes in rules or responsibilities to provide possible solutions (under the Application heading, page 22).

The goal, I would argue, of this unit, is to make our students aware that they are citizens, that there are rules, that they have relationships with fellow citizens, and that with those relationships come responsibility. Broadly speaking, it is a very empowering unit, and is formative in helping them to realize that they have the ability to positively impact both their environment and those who share that environment with them. I would hope that, however important, taking the dog out for a pee, putting your dishes in the sink, saying thank-you and showing up to school on time, aren’t the only responsibilities we’re teaching our students in Grade 1. Yes, I know they are only 5 or 6 years old, but teaching them solidarity, love, support, the responsibility to stand up and do something, is paramount to changing the aforementioned attitudes of the Grade 6 students (the students who were, once, historically, grade one students.)

David Hutchison, author of our Faculty of Ed Social Studies text, Elementary Social Studies, discusses cause and consequence and brings up the idea of human agency and the ability to contribute to change. The text mentions that students often feel “divorced” from the causes of change as they are not immediately clear or directly tied to their own experiences. The text goes on to describe the concept of the “everyday” or “ordinary citizen”. So often in history we hear about the famous, notable, rich agents of change and fail to pay notice to regular “joes” who lived their lives in that time period, and may have been unsung heroes or quiet agents of change in their own way. Balancing the study of the common man with those notable figures in history, may be one way to show that everyone has the power to change or to contribute to change. The feeling of powerlessness is pervasive, when it is modeled at home and school. We must advocate for change, in this case, a zero-tolerance policy, put in place by leadership figures, on bullying. Also, empowering students, through the use of rich resources such as the book, One, by Kathryn Otoshi. Where the central message is: all it takes is one.

In the text, Satu Reto is quoted as saying, “If you spend most of your historical study learning about famous missionaries, explorers, kings and queens, politicians, financiers, writers and inventors, you pick up the message that the life of the average peon is unimportant. If, in addition, you are from a humble background yourself, you pick up the additional message that you and your folks are not that memorable either.” I would structure this entire unit to empower students to be agents of change. It might be a little off-kilter, but we could still hit all the other expectations in the unit by bringing it back to this central message or theme. The students will go on to study everyday individuals who contributed to great change, Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Terry Fox, etc. it is important to understand that they are everyday individuals who can make change or bring awareness to an issue with the goal of making change, as well.

In terms of specific teaching strategies, the idea of Me to We, or explaining different philosophies of volunteerism, service to others and social involvement, would also be quite central to this study, for we are all connected and capable of doing our part to help others. I would argue that one of our central responsibilities as a citizen (of our home, school, community, city, province, country and as a global citizen) is to do good, to contribute, and to change things for the better. Through this unit we can study our own place in society and use it as a basis, through the grades and the rest of the social studies curriculum to become an active change agent, and hopefully, by grade 6, do something.

Image via Flickr - Jasleen Kaur

Reflections on The Start of Block II

On Monday, I begin to teach Grade 6 for the first time. I have spent the last 5 days observing the students and how they move as a class. Getting to know them on a personal level, learning about their interests, habits, needs and learning styles. Today was the last day to take it all in with “future teacher” eyes. To watch from the wings and get a handle on who I was going to be teaching and learning with. All my anxieties were allayed at the end of today, because today was, simply put, the best day!

It all started with my associate’s brother, an electrical engineer who does super top-secret work designing tracking cameras for military aviation, came in to consolidate their unit on Air and Flight. I witnessed a miracle. 19 faces sat in rapture and while he spoke, they didn’t say a word. The normally chatty bunch sat utterly attentive and engaged. It helps that this engineer was extremely hilarious and wonderful with kids, but I digress. The students discussed in detail what drag, lift, thrust and all sorts of other wonderful airplane parts were. They then applied concepts of air, current, force, wind, pressure systems, compression, speed, temperature to all sorts of other airborne objects. One student, a particularly introverted sort, eagerly raised her hand to ask if what he was describing was the Bernouli principle at work. This question, from this student, sent shivers down my spine and sent a huge smile to my face. This goes to show you that if you get at what the student’s are really into, and have a great way to deliver the content, and enact student’s “expertise” - the learning experience will be amazing!

But the miracles didn’t stop there. The students were in such a good mood that they asked me to join them in a game of four-square on the black top at nutrition break. I felt truly in with the in-crowd!

In Literacy block we worked together to create a persuasive speech on why dog owner’s and dog walkers should scoop the poop. I quickly learned that Grade 6 students love to discuss the intricacies of “bowel excretion” and “intestinal waste” and “fecal matter” - their favourite persuasive writing minilesson was undoubtedly on doublespeak. Using the gradual release of responsibility we prepared them to start work on their own persuasive speech on a topic of their choice that they would eventually be presenting at a school-wide, and then district-wide speech competition. One student diligently wrote an entire informational speech on the box jellyfish, Asia and Australia’s most venomous creature. When I complimented his knowledge on the subject, interesting topic and use of detail, but provided the feedback that he should choose a topic that he can “persuade” someone one way or the other about, he retorted with a surprising response. He explained that he is uncomfortable with public speaking and that he purposely chose an informational speech instead of persuasive speech because he didn’t want to be chosen to compete beyond the class in front of a large audience. In an attempt to encourage him, I told him that if his speech was powerful enough, he may get chosen anyway. To which he uttered under his breath, “in that case, I will have to go to Asia, go swimming, and get stung by a box jellyfish, won’t I?” I told him to write about why students should not be forced to take part in speech competitions. He then came up with a myriad of reasons including differentiated instruction, choice assignments and the fact that “true” Tribes schools offer the “right to pass”. Persuasive.

Later in math, during the getting started group huddle, we were discussing what we knew already about transformational geometry. As my associate described primary vocabulary versus junior vocabulary (turn/rotation, flip/reflection, etc.) another rather shy female student raised her hand and earnestly asked, “what is the practical, everyday application to knowing this?” Her tone was not bored or frustrated that we were “forcing” her to learn, but rather very serious, in mathematician mode, searching for a relevant and meaningful connection to her world. I was impressed, to say the least, that she knew it was okay to ask this question and that she felt comfortable enough to ask for clarity to help the concept gel for her. That is the sign of a great math community of learners. The analogy that my associate chose to help enlighten the student, was the frustration many face when trying to assemble something likely called Iktorp from IKEA and how wonderful geometry and spatial sense really can be in that situation. This opened the floodgates to a variety of student’s own hilarious anecdotes of how their parents had had near meltdowns during such attempts. Laughing about geometry on a Friday afternoon, how glorious is that?

And finally, when filling out agendas and discussing weekend plans with the class at the end of the day, one student exclaimed, “I feel like I wasn’t even at school today! Like my brain was at gymnastics all day!” I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face on my drive home.

Image by Courtney Carmody via Flickr

The Ontario Research in Education Symposium 2012

I recently had the great opportunity to attend The Ontario Research in Education Symposium 2012 as a Faculty of Education student representative for Brock University.
Its been one week now since the symposium concluded and I’ve had plenty of time to allow what I learned (and I learned a lot!) to ruminate. Here is my reflection on this year’s topic: research impact.

Research Impact

When I heard the concept of “research impact” I must admit that I immediately thought about doing action research, reflecting on it and changing my practice for the better. This lead me to think about knowledge mobilization, and from there my first thought was: capital P, capital L, capital N. Its a no-brainer. What better way exists than sharing resources, best practices, success stories, new tools, tips, watchouts, how-tos (I could go on) with your network? (And, i’m taking it for granted that when I say network I mean “online network”).

Since my desire to one day do action research in my own classroom and my current penchant for reflective practice was my entry point into the world of educational research and evaluation, I had a huge learning curve during the course of this conference. I consider myself a pretty smart cookie, but I will admit to you that the opening address could have been a summit on Geothermal energy production (in Slovenian, no less). I had some serious adjusting to do to be able to absorb what I was hearing! OERS was not devoted to sharing the lesson plans and behaviour management strategies exchanged on Twitter via guest speaker experts and plenary sessions. No, indeed, its focus was making educational research more accessible among different education stakeholders (from school boards and administration to policy-makers to parents and media!). For 3 days, and during an engaging variety of plenary presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops and displays, we examined barriers to accessing research, understanding it, and putting it to good use in the Ontario public education system. In terms of research impact - we were to think about it in terms of: a) awareness (being informed, knowing its out there, having access to it, disseminating it), b) action (putting theory into practice) and c) understanding - what does it all mean and how is it useful to me? In the back of my mind throughout the symposium was this question: How can I (and should I) as a future teacher use professional research?

Interactive Workshops

I took part in 3 break-out session workshops over the course of the 3 days wherein I learned that, as guest speaker and KNAER director, Ben Levin, so succinctly put it, a) we need a framework for integrating evaluation into organizational culture and b) we must build capacity to actually use evaluation and not neglect it.

Smartphones in Class

The first session I took part in was entitled, Research Of, For and By Practice - An Exploration of the Usage of Smartphones as Tools For Teaching and Learning In Schools. The session was led by John Vitale of Nipissing University. This was an interesting summary of research being conducted by the university using Blackberry Bold smartphones in the hands of pre-service teacher candidates during their placements. The facilitators had the audience break into groups and brainstorm our own ideas for smartphone use in the classroom. Our table came up with these: Poll Anywhere - Smartphones as Clickers, Webinar, Adobe Connect, Back channeling (Today’s Meet, Chatzy, Well Wish), listening to e-books, recording yourself doing a speech (metacognition, self-assessment), forum discussion to engage boys/ shy learners (not one in the same), capturing student learning (audio, video, still images) recording learning as it unfolds, unfolding text message stories in literacy. We also talked about BYOD (bring your own device), the controversy of wireless in schools (cost of bandwidth, health worries), extending learning beyond the walls and hours of the school, LMS, geo-caching, recording fieldtrips, and in addition to these exciting uses, every single ANTI-TECH barrage I’ve ever heard. If I’m ever in a debate on integrating tech into the classroom I can tell you I now know every possible counterpoint. I am interested to learn more on the topic and its implication on Ontario’s 21st century classroom.

Making Research Digestible

The next session “Knowledge Mobilization” was run by People For Education, an ingenious delivery of research findings entitled “Doing What Matters Most - How Parents Can Help Their Children Succeed in School”. PFE put together “tip sheets” for parents, teachers and principals on parent involvement in schools after an extensive review of research from the past 30 years on the topic. They boiled down the basics into easy to understand and highly useable tip sheets. So what? you ask. The clincher was this was the same research, but targeted to the audience in terms of language, facts highlighted, relevant info - the connection was extremely well-thought out and effective. This was exciting stuff and I can see all sorts of educational research, if mobilized this way, could really help expedite systems into increasing student engagement, equity and achievement. What I learned at this session was that for your research to “be known and actually make a difference” you need to start with a real-world problem, define, solve or propose a partial solution, decide your communication strategy, make it juicy, have a catchy hook and get the media involved. Then place yourself in existing media channels, add to existing knowledge, find the essence or a create a “top-line” of your findings/ boil it down and make it easily digestible for the people you want to impact. Be persistent. After all, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Developmental Evaluation

The final workshop, “Evaluation” was run by the Ministry of Education, Student Achievement Division and was entitled, “Infusing Evaluative Thinking Across the Education Sector.” It focused on Developmental Evaluation (DE) and its role in building capacity for recognizing and monitoring short-term gains in relation to the long-term goal of social change. I was fascinated in this topic as it relates to leadership. There was a deep discussion on a particularly useful Theory of Change Logic Model for documenting decisions and processes and then actually doing something useful with the learnings and knowledge gained from these initiatives on an ongoing basis. The cycle “Act, Observe, Reflect and Plan” has been drilled into us pre-service teacher candidates at Brock - good practice for being a successful teacher. It was exciting to learn that this same framework is used throughout the education sector (and not just in the microcosm of the classroom or the “front lines” as it were).

Social Media and Networking

In addition to the thought-provoking content of the presentations, participants were encouraged throughout the Symposium, to network and share interests, work, ideas and to, above all, make connections. A brokering board was set up to facilitate our networking, as was a text message counter, we were to text MEDU if we had a new idea and OERS if we made a connection. We periodically checked in to watch the tally of great connections and possible future collaborations grow. I was happy to see the integration of collaboration using technology at such a large education symposium. I left with a myriad of new ideas, connections, challenges, questions and brain synapses. I hope to return to this symposium one day with a presentation of my own on the integration of technology into the classroom to support student learning.

The Kids in the Hall PD Session

Today Brock Faculty of Ed students had the privilege of taking part in a free PD session comprised of a variety of workshops all with the aim to help us pre-service teaching candidates to better understand the complex emotional realities of the students we teach. The sessions began with a very informative and interactive presentation by CAMH on Substance Abuse - the statistics were alarming - we learned about alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, Opioid and inhalant use in Junior/Intermediate grades - many of us were left stunned. As a future P/J teacher I took in this information and am still digesting it - how can we teach "the whole child" in these formative years to make sure that substance abuse risk factors are extinguished and the proper protective factors are in place?

Later this morning I took part in two sessions, The Kid Who Gets Hurt, a session led by The Canadian Red Cross on some common and scary realities of providing first aid for students under our care and supervision if and when they get hurt. This was very informative and on top of learning how NOT to stab myself while administering an EPIPEN -

I learned what to do for asthma attacks, allergic reactions and anaphylaxes, burns, head injuries, cuts, hypothermia, heat stroke, bee stings, etc. A lot of myths were dispelled and I am definitely going to take my first aid training STAT!

The next session I took part in was called, The Kid Whose Faith You Don't Understand. This was led by Brock University's Interfaith Ecumenical Chaplain, Rev. Dr. David Galston, and I learned a lot about 7 major religions that are commonly represented in the student bodies of Ontario Schools. I learned about many of the wonderful themes that inform the religions and how they can make the diverse classroom a warm, compassionate community. I now know more about Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha'i, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism and I found myself very engaged in such a thoughtful, philosophical discussion around religion, belief systems and spirituality.

All in all it was a day well-spent. I am eager to hear about the other sessions that I missed out on.

Thinking About Equity

came to our Social Studies class yesterday to present an interactive short history of Canada’s First Nations in order to spread the message of their Take Action initiative for Indigenous Rights into the Brock Faculty of Education. It was extremely thought provoking and emotionally powerful. We stood on blankets and took turns reading from scrolls about the atrocities which occurred during the European exploration, “discovery” and colonization of Canada. The idea of the experiential retelling of history was to create empathy and urge us all towards incorporating social justice into our teaching practices.

I will admit I was a little bit disturbed after the presentation, not knowing how to digest the experience or how I would incorporate it into the P/J classroom. I thought of my future students. Would they be sick with feelings of helplessness or guilt that they or their ancestors were responsible (sick like I felt)? With the knowledge that we can’t “turn back time” - we need to ask our students to discover what steps can be taken now so that history doesn’t repeat itself.
I then wondered how early we should teach about Canada’s sordid past (and sadly, present) in terms of the inequities experienced by our First Nations, Metis and Inuit populations? I was told that it is important to teach solidarity, equity, social justice and community building in JK and not to wait until the Pioneers unit in Grade 3. Is providing stories from a variety of indigenous cultures and perspectives enough?

"For the mistakes of the past, Canadians need to hear and tell the truth. With the promise of reconciliation, Canadians need to end the inequities of the present."

Teaching Math with Tech - PD Workshop

I recently delivered a math workshop for fellow teacher candidates about using technology to help teach math concepts (whether for practice, fun, using virtual manipulative sites, etc.).

We set it up as a blog so that participants could deliver instant feedback in posted comments below the activity.

We also included a page of math resources we found extremely useful during the research part of pulling the project together.

I think it was a big success - a lot of our colleagues were immersed in problem solving - we asked them to fill the shoes of students from a variety of grades K-6.

In the end, I feel like I could create a unique blog for any number of units now - for my class and for helping to teach PD.

Check it out HERE.

My Vision As A Teacher Leader

On one of our last Educational Technology Leadership classes, Dr. Camille Rutherford asked the class (a small group of pre-service teacher candidates committed to using educational technology to improve student outcomes of achievement, engagement and equity) to create a mission statement that reflects our leadership philosophy. This is mine.

I'm sure that this is subject to change as I gain more experience inside the classroom, but its my prelude to a hopefully long career spent helping students learn to be 21st century leaders themselves.

It is my aim to:

1) master a large repertoire of leadership skills that can be applied according to school community context (be dynamic, be skilled, be multi-talented and be aware of my surroundings - where am I and who is it that I am impacting?)

2) Set directions, get input from school stakeholders on a shared vision using technology (Google forms, etc.) to develop and support teaching and learning. Provide PD (free, online) on a variety of community-building and 21st century fluency skills for parents, fellow teachers, and significant others in the lives of students. Show them that investing in integrated ed tech can only be a good thing.

3) Possess "withitness". Be on the level, be on the street, look people in the eye, have time to talk, walk the walk, make my passion for technology - especially ed tech - highly visible, and also celebrate all use of it within the school.

Now this is a tall order, but I feel like, given my already through the roof passion about ed tech, for all its multifarious uses in helping students to love learning, these steps are actionable. I can't wait to start.

Google Docs: How I Love Thee, Let Me Count The Ways...

Just working on a huge assignment for Language Arts course involving collaborating with two colleagues to devise a unit plan on Community Helpers for Grade 1.  This is huge as it involves the design and resource selection and lesson planning, flow and assessment tools for a 10-day balanced literacy program.  I know what you're thinking, 10 days is nothing and wait until you have a whole year and all the subjects to plan for!  Nevertheless, this is great practice for me as a lesson planner and organizer and also for the skill of team teaching and collaborating.  I must say, I couldn't do this without Google Docs and I want to thank Zoe Branigan-Pipe for introducing it to me at the beginning of the year.  It allows me to access all my resources and organize my thoughts, edit ideas of others, keep in constant contact beyond the "school day" and work on it as ideas occur to me.  I haven't a clue how you would go about keeping this organized and flowing smoothly without such an awesome tool.  I am using it now for ALL of my group assignments (of which I have 16 different, with different group members and configurations).  Thank Googleness for Web 2.0!

Embedding Web 2.0 Tools into Google Sites

I am excited to be co-presenting Popplet and Google Sites tomorrow at Brock University's Tech Showcase with Amanda Hodgins and Stacey Robinson, colleagues also in the Educational Technology Leadership Cohort.

We present at 9:00 AM in Room 14 at the Hamilton Campus.  We will be discussing sharing Popplet on Google Sites, using Popplet in the classroom (for teaching, learning and organization) as well as sharing classroom applications for the tool including mind maps and unit plans and study guides.

Hope to see you there.